LLC vs. S-Corp

Get the Most Benefit from an S-Corp

We’ll discover if an S-Corp is right for you, help you convert to an S-Corp and then run the accounting & tax so you can focus.

Potentially Save Thousands a Year

We help small business & 1099 contractors maximize an S-Corp and stay compliant

S-Corps can often lead to dramatic tax savings for small businesses, which can lead to remarkable improvements in profitability & wealth.

You Must Maximize but Stay Compliant

It’s not enough to just convert your sole proprietorship to an S-corp, you’ll want to make sure that you make wise choices to abide by the IRS rulings on reasonable salaries, document requirements & 1120S tax returns.

Sole Prop vs. S-Corp

We'll help you compare LLC Sole Prop taxation to S-Corp taxation, so you can know the difference and choose correctly.

Determine a Reasonable Salary

Sole proprietorships will owe self employment tax on 100% of their net income.

Net Profits

12.4% Social Security Tax (up to limit of $147k)
2.8% Medicare Tax

S-Corp Case Study: $100,000 Net Profit


Net Profits

($50,000 S-Corp Salary)

Social Security Taxes


Medicare Taxes


Total SE Taxes Due


Annual SE Tax Savings
